About me

My name is Tony Giangreco (or "The Tony"). I am a...

-Youtube Actor
-Ghost Hunter
-Full Time Psychopath

The purpose of this blog is self esplanitory... this is words of The Tony.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

January 19th, 2015

TodayI started working on Words Of Love and got s good portion of it done! Everything is done except I still have to add the drums. Once that's done, I'll start shooting the video. I never realized how hard it is to sing the John part as his vocal goes VERY low. I managed to do it though, and I'll have to do it again when I do the final vocal track for Terri's video. The vocals I did today have the regular words to the song, so I'll have to re-do them as well before I start filming. So far, things are going great! Looking forward to adding the drums and finishing up this song!

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