About me

My name is Tony Giangreco (or "The Tony"). I am a...

-Youtube Actor
-Ghost Hunter
-Full Time Psychopath

The purpose of this blog is self esplanitory... this is words of The Tony.

Monday, February 1, 2016

February 2nd, 2015

Well today has been non-stop. Woke up, got ready for work, then had rehearsal with Meet The Beetles from the moment I got home until around 10pm. It's been a long day, and I'm glad it's finally over. Sunnie's been here with us since Thursday, and it's been so great having her here again! I just hope I get to spend more time with her tomorrow since Ada may be picking her up at night. Other than that, not much else to write about.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Well today was very interesting. I was told by Jason on Saturday that the pawn shop had a vintage Hofner, and I finally had the chance to check it out in person! It looked great from the picture he sent, so I was really imterested in looking at it seeing how much they wanted for it. After stopping at UPS to get my hours for this week, I went straight there and briefly got to play around with it. The whole time I was there, I pretty much gave them a history lesson on the changes the bass went through throughout the decade of the 60's. Since the bass they had had blade pickups and a decal on the headstock, it's pretty safe to say it was at least a '66. I would love to someday own a vintage one, but it has to be a '64 or '65. I love the raised logos they used during those two years as it really makes the instrument attractive. After the pawn shop, I went to McDomalds to get a Frappi, but I had to hurry back home because my mom needed the car to pick up Christina at 1:30. I was a little late due to a wrong turn and some red lights, but everything turned out alright in the end. I started filming Terri's music video later on, and so far it's going great! All I need to do now is record the drummer angle, and then I'll be ready to start editing! Yesterday I did some last minute touches with the audio. I also added a tambourine to finish off the overdubbing. Overall, I'm very satisfied with the way it turned out. Terri will definitely enjoy what she has coming! ;)

Tomorrow, I have a dentist appointment to have a couple cavities in the back filled. I'm not thrilled that I have to do this again, but at least it'll all be over with once I'm home. I also finally heard from Angie regarding the music video I did a couple weeks ago! I wasn't going to say anything about it at first, but I figured it's been long enough and I decided to text her and find out if it made her uncomfortable at all. Luckally, it didn't. She told me it sounded great and she meant to comment it but just never sent it. I feel a little better about things now, and I hope I get to see her again soon so I can give her a hard copy of the song. I did it for her, so it's only right to give it to her in a physical form.

Until next time, this is me singing off.

Friday, January 22, 2016

January 21st

Well Words of Love is all done now! At least recording it is. Now I just have to film the music video. Shouldn't take too long to do. The editing is the hardest part. I had work today from 3-6, but other than that, not much else has been going on. 'Hopefully the videos will turn out good and it'll all be done by the end of next week!

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

January 19th, 2015

TodayI started working on Words Of Love and got s good portion of it done! Everything is done except I still have to add the drums. Once that's done, I'll start shooting the video. I never realized how hard it is to sing the John part as his vocal goes VERY low. I managed to do it though, and I'll have to do it again when I do the final vocal track for Terri's video. The vocals I did today have the regular words to the song, so I'll have to re-do them as well before I start filming. So far, things are going great! Looking forward to adding the drums and finishing up this song!

Monday, January 18, 2016

What a weekend this has been! Friday I had a show with the Johnny Burnett Band, and Saturday I played with Bobby Midnight, and Sunday I had a bit of a break other than playing Journey. This week, I'll be focusing on recording my parody for Words of Love and filming the music video for Terri Hemmert. Let's hope it turns out good and that things go well!

Friday, January 15, 2016

January 13th, 2016

Woke up a bit late today, went to work 3-6, and had rehearsal at Johnny's house for a gig tomorrow. A bit non-stop today, but this is only the beginning of it until the rest of the week. Other than that, not much else to report.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

January 12th, 2016

It's been a few days since I last updated the blog. Typically, I would try to make them up by doing one for each day, but I'll just recap everything that's going on in this one.

I finished the keyboard track for Build Your House of Bricks, but decided to put it aside for a while to make my first music video of 2016! I had a cover of Kiss Me (by Sixpence None The Richer) lying around that I recorded for my friend Angie, but I never got the chance to give it to her since it was finished in December. It's been snowing pretty good the past week, so I figured this would be a perfect time to shoot a video for it. After three days of filming, and just a couple days editing, the video turned out EXACTLY how I pictured it! I was able to get some great lighting even though I shot everything late at night, and I was also able to put some stage lights to use that Jason dropped off at my house. The stage lights came in handy when I shot the angle from my bedroom window, and it really added to the overall mood I was going for. I was very happy with the finished product, and I was very excited to get the video online. Angie hasn't responded since I uploaded it, but I'm not going to bother her about it if there's a chance it made her feel uncomfortable. I thought it was something nice that would've made her happy, but I guess not everything turns out the way they're expected to. Maybe she'll tell me in person what she thought of it, but even then, I'm going to wait for her to bring it up herself.

Now that the video for Kiss Me is done, my next video is going to be for Terri Hemmert as I found out recently she's battling some kind of cancer and just had surgery to help get rid of it. Since it has to be a Beatles parody, I decided to write something to Words of Love. Not only is it a song I wanted to eventually cover anyway, but it seems like a simple song that would be easy to write lyrics to. I'll probably start it next week since I have so much going on right now, but I'll be using this time to think of lyrics, learn the song, and figure out what I'm going to do for the video. I plan on having the whole thing done by the end of next week. Let's hope it turns out good!